Anticipate This!™ | Patent and Trademark Law Blog

They Invented What? (No. 74)

Posted in General Commentary by Jake Ward on November 21, 2018

JW Note: Happy Thanksgiving 2018 from Anticipate This!

Anticipate This!™ | Patent and Trademark Law Blog

U.S. Pat. No. 5,134,971:  Live fowl conveyor.

JW Note:  Happy Thanksgiving 2007 from Anticipate This!


What is claimed is:

1. Apparatus for conveying live fowl to be inoculated, inseminated, debeaked, or to have another operation performed on them, comprising:

(a) a base;
(b) a pair of spindles, one spindle mounted at each of opposite ends of said base;
(c) a generally horizontally-disposed, moving conveyor surface supported by said base and defined by an endless web encircling said spindles, said conveyor surface for receiving thereon fowl which are to have an operation performed on them; and
(d) means for holding a bird in a defined position on said conveyor service, said holding means including:
(i) a first elongated member, disposed generally parallel to said conveyor surface, spaced upward a desired distance from a lateral edge of said conveyor surface;
(ii) a second elongated member, disposed generally parallel to said first…

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